by Flavio Barbiero | Summary:
Although the mass and the electric charge are strictly associated at atomic level, and the field they generate has the same structure, motion has a different effect on them: while the electric charge remains unchanged, but generates a magnetic field, the mass changes its value, but does not generate any additional field. This different behavior could be only apparent, due to the different form of the transformation equations upon which the interpretation of those phenomena is based. The behavior of the mass has been deduced in the SR on the base of the transformation equations of Lorentz, obtained by analyzing the linear propagation of a beam of light. The behaviour of the electrical field, instead, seems to be consistent with a set of transformation equations equivalent to Lorentz', but expressed in a different form, as they have been obtained by analysing the omnidirectional propagation of a beam of light. These relations show that motion modifies the space-time by "generating" a spatial component normal to the motion itself. They are expressed in a mathematical form which force us to abandon the traditional concept of the space-time as a "container", however defined, of physical reality and suggests a totally new conception: that of considering the real space-time as a field of the mass, coincident with the gravitational field. This hypothesis is sufficient by itself to justify the equilibrium in the atoms and also the existence of positive and negative fields of the same order of magnitude of the electrical field, without the need of any other entity or force, in addition to mass and gravity. It also explains in a rational way the structure and nature of the light quanta. All physical reality, then, could be explained by the existence of a unique Entity, with three different aspects, mass, space and time.