|  | |  | | Quantavolution: Challenges to Conventional Science - a Festschrift in honor of Alfred de Grazia's 90th birthday | by Ian Tresman With the participation of Robert Bass, Dwardu Cardona, Ev Cochrane, Vladimir Damgov, Laurence Dixon, Bob Forrest, Gunnar Heinsohn, James Hogan, Ted Holden, Anne-Marie Hueber de Grazia, Laszlo Körtvélyessy, Scott Mainwaring, Brian Moore, William C. Mullen, Trevor Palmer, Stavros Papamarinopoulos, C. J. Ransom, Emilio Spedicato, Richard Stern, Harold Tresman, Jeff Ubois, Rens Van der Sluijs, Henry Zemel, Milton Zysman...
| Order here |
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|  Meeting in Kandersteg - 2009 | As in 2007, we met in Kandersteg, in the Swiss Alps, from June 6th to 9th, 2009, for our annual Conference on Quantavolution. This year's conference took place under the sign of Alfred de Grazia's "nearing ninety." Again, we were lucky to enjoy remarkable papers, discussions and great convivial moments.
| | | | |  | William C. Mullen, Alfred de Grazia |
|  | Hotel Bernerhof |
|  | Kandersteg |
| | (Flavio Barbiero - Nikolai S. Erokhin - Gunnar Heinsohn - Laszlo Koertvélyéssy - Scott Mainwaring - William C. Mullen - Stavros Papamarinopoulos - Emilio Spedicato - Richard Stern - Alfred de Grazia) |
| | (Chaotic Phenomena in Near-Earth Plasma - The Filament State of Matter - From First Day in Genesis to Exodus - Quantavoluting Fugue - From the Scythian Kurgans to the "Royal Tombs" of Ur - Solomon and Dionysos - Space-Time as a field of Mass - Plato and the Seismic Catastrophe in 12th Century Athens) |
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