Prof. Nikolai S. Erokhin | Nikolay Sergeevich Erokhin was born on May 18, 1942 in a village in the Chitinskaya Region of the USSR, in Southeast Siberia, near the Chinese border. He was educated at the local school from 1949 to 1959. From 1959 to 1962 he was a student at the Khabarovsk Pedagogical Institute in Khabarovsk, administrative capital of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia. From 1962 to 1966, he was a student of physics at the Novosibirsk State University in Novosibirsk. From 1966 to1968, he was a post-graduate student of nuclear physics SB at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Novosibirsk. From 1968 to 1981, he was a scientific researcher at the Kharkov Physico-Technical Institute in Kharkov, Ukraine. Since 1981, he is a scientific researcher, and head of laboratory at the Space Research Institute (SRI) in Moscow. He is now head of the Department of Cosmogeophysics at the SRI, of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He received a Ph.D. degree from the Kharkov Physico-Technical Institute in 1970, for his thesis on: "Some theoretical problems of the linear mode conversion and nonlinear one in inhomogeneous plasmas". He defended his doctoral thesis in physico-mathematical sciences in 1983 at the Space Research Institute of RAS. The subject of his dissertation was: "Physical effects and mathematical features of wave processes in inhomogeneous and nonstationary plasmas". He is a full professor since 1991. At present, there are 290 scientific publications to his name, including reviews in the Journal "Physics Uspekhi", in the books "Problems of Plasma Theory", "Problems of Geophysics in the XXI. Century," as well as the book "Nonequilibrium and Resonant Processes in Plasma Radiophysics". His fields of scientific interest include: the propagation of electromagnetic waves in plasmas and chiral media; many parametric data processing; the forecasting of natural disasters through the use of physical systems of catastrophe indicators and precursors; the secondary emission radio-isotope battery; the role of solar-terrestrial relations in large-scale crisis processes developing in the Earth atmosphere. Since May 23, 2003, he is corresponding member of the Russian Prokhorov Academy for Engineering Sciences.