The Iron Age of Mars, by Alfred de Grazia (2009) | Speculations on a Quantavolution and Catastrophe in the Greater Mediterranean Region of the First Millennium B.C.E. |
The Shattering of the Great Planets Hesperus & Phaethon, by J. G. Radlof (1823) | | & the Ensuing Floods & Destructions on Earth...
(translated by Ami de Grazia) |
| The Shattering of the Great Planets Hesperus & Phaethon (178 p. - $ 16.95) is available at | Click here to order |
Also by Alfred de Grazia: The American State of Canaan (2009) | The Peaceful, Prosperous Juncture of Israel and Palestine as the 51st State of the United States |