Stavros Papamarinopoulos | |  Stavros Papamarinopoulos | Stavros Papamarinopoulos was born in Athens in 1945. His parents, Panos Papamarinopoulos and Demetra Demetrakopoulou, and also all their parents, originate from villages of Arcadia in central Peloponnesus. The family can be traced back in the 17th century within Arcadia. Stavros has a physics degree from Athens University and a doctorate degree in geophysics from Edinburgh University. He has carried out post-doctoral studies in Newcastle, Cardiff and Oxford. He is full Professor in geophysics at the Department of Geology of Patras University in Western Greece. He is the Director of the Applied Geology and Geophysics sector in his Department. His geophysical interests are geomagnetism, prospecting with computer aided instruments for ancient buried cities world wide, the study of sacred sites and Earth's unusual natural energy fields. He is chairman of the EMAEM (Society for the Study of Ancient Greek Mythology) since 2006 and he taught, over the last years, geomythology and geoarchaeology at Patras University. Concurrently with his activities in Patras he has taught Environmental Geophysics at the Technical University School of Engineering in Athens and Archaeological Geophysics at University of Athens School of Archaeology. Stavros is an active member of Greece's National Research Counsel of Science and Technology since 2004. He has written a large number of scientific articles. He is co-editor of the international scientific journal "Archaeological Prospecting" and he is the editor of the book of Proceedings of the International Symposium "The Atlantis Hypothesis" which was organised by Heliotopos in 2005 in Melos Island in the Aegean Sea and also of the second symposium with the same title which was organised by the same company in Athens 2008. The company Heliotopos is the publisher of both volumes of the proceedings. He is currently co-editor together with Professor Rimantas Petrosius from Lithuania and Professor Gerhard Hacker from Austria of the proceedings of the symposium "Earth's Fields and their influences on organisms" which organised by the Institute of Geology and Geography of Vilnius Paeadagogical University in June 12-15 in 2008. His current scientific interests are the study of evolution of Homo Sapiens in the Aegean Sea the last 50,000 years, the effect of the ancient Greek language in reprogramming the brain initially in the Aegean Sea and later in the entire world and the interpretation of the ancient Greek mythology.
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